Contact us

Get in touch today


151-153 Vincent St, Cessnock NSW


02 4990 1385

Opening hours

Monday – Friday:
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. E.S.T

Excluding Public Holidays

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We are here to help.

Call us via the National Relay Services (NRS)

You can phone or text the free National Relay Service (NRS) on one of the following numbers, then ask for (02) 4990 1385 to talk to us (note: you will need to register with the NRS to use this service):

TTY – call 133 677

Speak & listen – call 1300 555 727

SMS relay – text 0423 677 767

Call us using an interpreter

To speak to us using an interpreter (available in over 150 languages), call the free National Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask for them to call us on (02) 4990 1385.

Additional interpreter services

If you require additional assistance, we can book a local interpreter on your behalf with Accredited National Interpreting and Translating Services (ANITS) for all languages including Auslan. Contact us on (02) 4990 1385 for more information. Please note that there may be a charge associated with this service.